Mona Houghton





The Fiction Week Literary Review, F13 cover by Tony Smith   The Magic Trick
The Fiction Week Literary Review, Fall 2013
Published online twice a year, primarily publishing writing that breaks new ground by finding new ways to tell a story.
Harpur Palate cover   A Brother, Some Sex, and an Optic Nerve (pdf)
Winner of The John Gardner Memorial Prize for Fiction, Harpur Palate, Volume 6, Issue 1.
Corridors Web Magazine   On the Desert-Side of the San Gabriel Mountains
Corridors Magazine, Editor: Jane Dubija
Bluff City cover   Sex (pdf)
Bluff City, A Magazine of Poetry and Fiction, Number Six, Editor: Carol Morrison
Anyone is Possible cover   The Woman Who Lives in the Avocado Grove (pdf)
Anyone Is Possible, Editors: Kate Gale and Mark Cull
Anyone Is Possible (order from Red Hen Press)
Everyday Urbanism cover   Urban Bricoleur (pdf)
Everyday Urbanism, Editors: John Chase, Margaret Crawford, and John Kaliski
Everyday Urbanism (order from Amazon)